Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Party

Our fall semester is done, and now we are ready for competition in the WCC!!!! However, we did end the year with a bang; we had a team Christmas party at a local restaurant here in Provo, Spark. It was so fun, all of the team had drawn a secret sister and brought a gift for her along with a letter, everyone had a white elephant gift that they brought. Some of the gifts were creative, and some were sneaky. For example, Megan Price brought a toothpaste box and ended up picking her own gift and then opened it after the exchange was over and it was FULL of M&M’s. SNEAKY MEGAN!!!

It was a great time to be with the team as we all enjoyed each other’s company and the gifts. It was fun just to relax, eat and laugh. Here are some pictures from the night. ENJOY!!

Funny white elephant gifts..diapers

After dinner before everyone left for the holidays.